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feeling accomplished in trying times

Good morning world, I hope your all having a wonderful, accomplishing morning. If not, don't beat yourself up about it, because it's not worth that, it happens to us all and it can get annoying but sometimes that's the reality of life. Today I finally paid off my tuition and can now focus solely on school and this blog, which I realize I have been neglecting to post because I have been so busy with school. Anyway sorry, I got off-topic, But my main point is that even when you accomplish something so small, celebrate it! Because even the tiniest accomplishment can feel like the biggest accomplishment of the day and should be treated as such! Don't let people tell you to not celebrate them, party, dance, sing, go outside, treat yourself, whatever you choose because you're worth it! You deserve to party when you accomplish that thing that has been staring at you for weeks now, Trust me you DESERVE to party and celebrate yourself and the accomplishments!

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