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What society has done to us all

Hello, world, Today honestly hasn't been a good day but isn't that normal? Somedays we have days that are perfect and beautiful then we have days that aren't going great and falling apart at the seams. The worst part is when we are having a bad day and we try to put on a front to hide behind and it can be draining, But this is what we think we have to do instead of being honest with ourselves when the day isn't good. Societal standards have bugged down humanity for a long time now because they tell men to "be strong and not to show emotion" and tell women to "be beautiful, skinny, and silent." Well, I say enough! Those standards are super toxic and can lead to a total breakdown in society and lead to toxic masculinity and women who feel super scared and sensitive whenever they speak! So I say men show your softer side and women be strong and brave! Because at the end of the day, we are all HUMAN and we should be able to express it no matter what!

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