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Naturally Curious

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Finals are done

Hello, world, I am so sorry for being inactive, But I think this picture will explain why I haven't been posting lately since school has...

The Monday Blues

Good morning world, Today is Monday which means the start of a new week, but it also means that many of us will most likely be feeling...

Depression and Anxiety

Hello, world, I know you're probably expecting this post to be how to power through and make it, But honestly, I don't want to write...

Not feeling confident

Good morning world, I want to write about not feeling confident and how to overcome and start feeling confident in yourself. So I want to...

Where I've been

Hello all, I know I wrote this in the forum, just want to write it here as well. So where do I start? Well, I got covid tested, luckily...

My weird life

Where do I begin? My life is far from normal, I struggle with almost everything thanks to a few learning Disorders, I have to see a...

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