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Frustrating family and burning bridges

Updated: Feb 26, 2021

Show of hands who else has a family member that would snap at the littlest thing and then once they hear something that they think they can take advantage of... they try to take advantage?

I am currently going through that myself, obviously, I am going to refrain from naming names because I just don't want to name anyone. Let's just say this family member isn't the nicest person in the family and would cause drama for kicks.

But this time they crossed a major line and burned a major bridge in the family which sucks because she's dragging her husband with her and I hate it because I've known him pretty much my whole life but what can you do? Anyway, my advice is don't let them get to you. Block them on all social media (if they have it) and just move on because people like that are toxic and don't need to be apart of your life. Your mental health isn't worth concerning over their toxic attitude.

Just popping in to update, This family member is no longer apart of the family, due to a divorce, so we are quietly rejoicing that this toxic person is no longer apart of this family.

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