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I can't hide behind my mask anymore (I'm not okay)

Hello world, This post will not be a cheerful one... But I need to be honest today.

I have been trying to hide behind a mask of happiness and smiles, but sadly that mask is cracking, and my depression and anxiety are starting to show. I know it's okay to not be okay, but for some reason, I want to constantly be okay and my smiles to be genuine, not fake to save feelings or hurt anyone. There's only so much I can do to save face before my shell finally cracks and falls apart. But maybe it's a good thing to finally let the shell crack and have a sad day, not a permanent one but just a day to go through your emotions and breathe. I have had several days, but this blog has helped me to just write everything down and finally feel like I have control again, So it does happen just try to slowly dig out of the hole and see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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