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Trying to navigate anger/rage hormones and staying calm

Hello, world, So if your reading this then it might be close to or time for your monthly menstrual cycle and possible crazy hormones that have you acting like a crazy hormone-filled monster. So if this is you, then I can help, As a female myself I deal with this as well, One thing I have noticed works is meditation when the hormones have you getting angry or annoyed, Yeah, yeah, I know, I know........ That doesn't work yada yada, I know! But trust me it will help you come back to your center and help you calm yourself down before you attempt to associate with society. Another thing you can do is try to journal down your feelings, again I know but this will help you go back and read the craziness you were feeling at the time and help you calm down and laugh at the crazy. Lastly, rest and relax, heating pads, relaxing music, funny movies, ice packs, whatever you feel you need to help you calm down and relax so you can breathe and come out of this relaxed and confident, instead of angry and rage-filled. I hope this helps you navigate the anger of hormones.

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